OA 25th World Jamboree Patch

Date: May 16, 2023

Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge has a new OA Lodge Flap designed specifically for World Scout Jamboree in South Korea this year.  Not to be too biased, since members of Troop 60 designed this, but it looks pretty good. 

The Native American inspired artwork is a modified "Octi-Box" holding a tricolor Korean taeguk.  The yellow portion is taken as representing humanity, the red represents each and the blue represents heaven.

Lettering on the patch: 

2023년 제25회 세계스카우트잼버리   [25th World Scout Jamboree 2023--"2023 nyeon Je 23 hwi Segye Suhkauto Jaembeori"] 

식스먹스라먼티로지   [Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge]

Sikhs Mox Lamonti Lodge Flap - 25th World Jamboree South Korea