Troop 60 > Resources > Gear and Equipment > Map > Making an Outing Map

Making an Outing Map - Version 2

Need to make a Custom Map?

USGS Maps 

Find the map you need at:

Zoom in to the area you want a map of:

Use one of these tools to mark your area if interest:

Select "Search Products"

Select the Most Current maps:

These were made in the 1960s - not what you want

These were made in the 2020 - better than 1960s

Click Expand View to see map options:

Click on the "Footprint" link to show the area that map covers.  Select you map(s) you want and click on "Downland Link (PDF)"

Open your file in Adobe Reader

Optional: zoom in/out and adjust the size of your window until only the portion of the map you want printed fits in your screen:

Shown WITH Map Scale

In you print settings, select "Current View" if you plan to just print part of the map

Select "Poster"

Scale size as desired by adjusting "Tile Scale".  Set "Overlap" to 0.05 or more (more is better if it fits).

Look at icon to see if the setup is what you want. 

Select "Print"

See how pages line up and overlap?

Don't forget to print the Map Scale.  This can be done separately as needed - just make sure the print scale of your map matches the print scale of the Map Scale you are printing. 

Map Scale shown printed separately: 

Now it's crafting time.

Print out your map sheets.  Make sure to save the legend with scale on at least one page - or cut it out and tape to a part of the map you don't need (such as area you won't visit or the back of map).

Assemble map, take care to carefully line it up.  Take your Time trimming and aligning the map.

Tape map sections together. 

For best results - first tape corners of map sections as you align the map, followed by taping the center of sections, areas between tape and so on, like you would stitch weld sheet metal.  This allows you to align your map with greater precision. 

Map of Ross Lake
Top section (2 sheets) is USGS Satellite Imagery of Canada
2 Mid sections (12 sheets) are Forestry Service Maps
Bottom section (4 sheets) is a USGS Map

If you like to mark your map with routes, launch and takeout points, campsites, etc. - do so now

Fold map and trim as needed.  Place your new custom map in a map case of large freezer bag.