Mini Compasses

Mini compasses are great for determining cardinal directions.  They allow for non-precise direction finding which is adequate for the majority of your navigation needs.  These can be worn on wrists, hung from zipper or pack straps or stored in a small pocket.  These make great SECONDARY Compasses, but should NOT be used to replace your primary Baseplate, Mirror or Lensatic compass.

Unfortunately, most mini compasses are made in China and some are non-functional or don't last very long.


Button Type Compasses

Compasses don't get much smaller than a button compass, unless you plan on bringing just a magnetized needle to float on a leaf, which would be even less practical than using a Button Compass for navigation.  Because of their minimal size, the are commonly placed in mini survival kits and are sometimes referred to as Survival Compasses or SERE Compasses. 

Due to there small size, they can be easily stored away in all sorts of places:

Also due to their small size, they are easily lost.  

These are easy to find and manufactured by many companies around the world.  Because of their popularity, the market is flooded with low quality products.  We recommended that you stick with a reputable name brand if possible.

Chinese-made Button Compasses

Sun Co Compass Capsules

The FB 1605 NATO Survival Button Compass 

Tru-Nord Mini Compasses

Silva SERE 40 

Wrist Compasses

These are exactly what they sound like.  These compasses are worn on your wrist.  Some are designed to be attached to your watch band and other are designed to be warn like a watch. 

Suunto Clipper Mini Watch Band Compass

Suunto M-9 Wrist Compass

Thumb and Hand Compasses

These are mainly designed and marketed for people competing in Orienteering events.  They are warm on the back of the hand or thumb so they are readily available while keeping hands free to hold onto maps or to move freely through the course.

Suunto AIM-6 NH Thumb Compass

Suunto AIM-6 NH Thumb Compass

Compact Compasses

These compasses are a little big for a Micro/Mini Compass and a little small for a Regular Sized Compass.  They can be used like a regular compass and make for a nice backup to your main compass.  

Suunto MCB Mirror Compass

Nice little mirror compass.  This is a very small compass.