Knot-Tying Skill Activities

Some Pioneering Structure Construction and use requires Supervision from a qualified Adult

Knot-Tying Skill Activities

Source:  knot-tying-skill-activities  

50-Foot Rescue Relay

Bowline Draw

Bowline Sheet Bend Draw

Cannibal Rescue

Eight Knot Contest

Hold-Em Demonstration

Horizontal Half Hitching Race

Hot Isotope Transport

Knot Hoop Relay

Knot Master Tug of War

Knot Trail (Knot Kim’s Game)

Knot-Tying Relay

Lassoing the Steer

Log Hauling

One-Handed Knot Tying

Pony Express Race

Remote Clove Hitch

Rescue Relay

Rope Tackle Tug of War

Rope-Toss-Log-Lift Challenge (Log-Raising Relay)

Simple Square Knot Relay Race

Square Knot Visual Challenge

Taut-Line Hitch Race I

Taut-Line Hitch Race III

Two-Person Square Knot