Virtual Merit Badges

Virtual Merit Badges

Many Scouts and Scouters took advantages of virtual meeting platforms and did virtual merit badges online during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.  It allows Scouts and Scouters to connect over long distances.  Scouts in remote areas can meet with Merit Badge Counselors in urban areas and Scouts from everywhere can meet with the limited number of Merit Badge Counselors that are qualified and willing to teach skills for those less completed Merit Badges. 

Our Adult Leaders in Troop 60 instructed several thousand Scouts classes during Covid 19.  We have the resources and experience teach individuals, small groups and large groups in the future. 

See our Merit Badge Resources page for notes on previous Virtual Classes.  We made these work during lockdown and can still do classes online to make it easier for Scouts to meet. 

Which Merit Badges Virtually?

So - Scouts skills are almost always better in person and one-on-one or in small groups.  That said, just about every Merit Badge can be taught virtually, at least in part.  The key is to determine what works for the group you are working with. 


There are many formats to teaching virtual Merit Badges

All Virtual

A handful of merit badges can be completed 100% online.

The Merit Badge Counselor should set expectations prior to class and ensure that Scouts have everything they need to participate and complete requirements. 

Partial Merit Badge Classes

The Majority of Merit Badges can be taught in a partial format.  Virtual Sessions are used to cover material that can be covered in a classroom or discussion type environment.  

Requirements that are impractical to complete in a virtual meeting can be:


Meeting in person can still be a challenge.  You only get so many days a year you can meet in person due to venue and other constraints.  Some/many classes can be delivered in a mixed format.  Classroom sessions can be completed online for those interested in earning the merit badge or learning more.  Hands on activities can be completed in person at a troop meeting or other gathering so that everyone, including those not interested in earning a merit badge, can enjoy and participate in the event. 

Examples of Previous Virtual Classes

Automotive Maintenance Merit Badge

This was taught as a Hybrid/Partial Class.  We spent an evening discussing aspects of Automotive Maintenance online.  The second session was a live demonstration on how to perform maintenance on a car, change the tires and do other basic skills.  Scouts were provided class notes and resources and turned in work at a later date. 

Wilderness Survival Merit Badge

A good portion of this can be covered in a classroom type environment and was.  The hands on portion was completed in person at a special overnight Survival Campout.  Those not able to attend the Campout were able to complete requirements on their own and turn in proof at a later date.  

The sleeping overnight in a wilderness shelter was the most challenging requirement to complete since it required property that could be altered to build a shelter, at least for the best experience.  Completing a Hybrid class allowed Scouts to make the most of their campout weekend and work on advanced skills not covered in the merit badge.

Rifle and Shotgun Shooting Merit Badges

This requires special NRA Certified Instructors, which not every Troop has.  Classes on safe use of firearms were completed online.  Merit Badge Workbooks or other proof on completion of classroom requirements were required for signoff on these requirements.

The shooting portions could be completed at Scout Camp or with a qualified Adult at a gun range.  This allowed Scouts to spend more time at the range shooting, instead of sitting in a classroom.

Medicine (retired) and Health Care Professions Merit Badges

Most Troops don't have a medical provider on staff able to deliver this program.  We connected with several hundred Scouts from around the US to discuss the requirements for these merit badges online.  This put a great many Scouts in touch with a Counselor that was in short supply.  The hands on and volunteer requirements were completed offline and proof of completion was sent to the Counselor. 

Of all the many Merit Badges taught virtually, these had the highest completion rates.  Apparently many of the Scouts interested in completing these Merit Badges were on a fast track to Medical School. 

First Aid Merit Badge

This Merit Badge covers a LOT of material.  It should take 6 plus hours to complete in person.  That said, it is sometimes condensed into a much shorter program that doesn't cover the material as it should.

This class was taught over 6 hours virtually by a Medical Provider, many times during Covid-19.  Scouts were required to turn in proof of completion of hands-on requirements at a later date. 

Due to the popularity of this merit badge, it was often taught to huge classes of around 100 Scouts at a time.  Since there is no way everyone can participate in such a large class, it was presented more so as a college style lecture.  All material was covered and Scouts were required to show proof of completion of all requirements via Workbook or other format.  Enormous classes like these are not a good format for most Scouts, but it allowed us to connect skilled Counselors to Thousands of Scouts.  Many Scouts benefited from these sessions and completed their Merit Badges in a time when it wasn't offered in person. 

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge

This has been taught by many virtually.  The advantage of teaching it virtually is that it can connect with Scouts from many different backgrounds.  When the virtual format is used for group discussions, Scouts may get a more diverse and better experience than meeting with their own troop.