Troop 60 > About > Who We Are - Adults

Who We Are - Troop 60 Adults

Our Troop has a long scouting history starting in 1959.

Our cadre of Scouters work with our scouts to ensure our scouts have a high quality and safe scouting experience. 

We are lucky enough to have many experienced scouters with some really interesting backgrounds. 

All leaders must pass a background check and are heavily vetted.

Interested in joining our team?  Speak with our Scoutmaster.

Troop 60 Key Three

Mr Yerkes

Chartered Organization Representative

Keeps everything safe and legal

 Merit Badge Counselor

Retired Navy

Mr Leblanc

Troop Committee Chair

Keeps Troop Organized and Running

Merit Badge Counselor

Mr Frary


Keeps Scouting Exciting

Merit Badge Counselor

Shooting Sports

Fish and Wildlife Instructor

Wilderness First-Aid Instructor

Troop 60 Scoutmaster Team

Mr M

Hiking High Adventure ASM

Former Scoutmaster

Life To Eagle Coach

Merit Badge Counselor

US Navy Submariner

Mr W

Cycling High Adventure ASM

Wilderness First-Aid

Primitive Skills ASM

Forestry ASM

Culinary Arts ASM

Mr B

Wilderness Skills ASM

Wilderness Medicine ASM

Snow Adventure ASM

Shooting Sports ASM

Canoe ASM

Green Beret

Iceland Jamboree Contingent


Water High Adventure ASM

Swift Water ASM

Kayak ASM

Wilderness First-Aid Instructor

Mr Davies

Equestrian ASM

Wilderness First-Aid Instructor

Merit Badge Counselor

Troop 60 Troop Committee 

Ms H

Committee Member

Advancement Coordinator

Mr L

Committee Member

Committee Treasurer

Merit Badge Counselor

Mr. M

Committee Member

Merit Badge Counselor

Wood Badge


Troop 60 Unit Scouter Reserve 

Mr L

New Member Coordinator

Recruiting Coordinator

Ms C

Unit Scouter Reserve

Merit Badge Counselor


Ms E

Unit Scouter Reserve

Merit Badge Counselor




Unit Scouter Reserve

Training Coordinator

Ms W 

Unit Scouter Reserve

Committee Equipment Coordinator

Mr J 

Unit Scouter Reserve


Unit Scouter Reserve

Ms B 

Unit Scouter Reserve

Wilderness First Aid

YMCA Youth Camp Director

BSA High Adventure - Backpacking

Troop 60 Merit Badge Counselors

Ms SL 

Merit Badge Counselor

Mr K

Merit Badge Counselor

Ms M

Merit Badge Counselor

Ms T

Merit Badge Counselor