B-P Night Games

Night Games by Sir Robert Baden-Powell

From Seventh Edition of Scouting Games by Sir Robert Baden-Powell, BT. 1926

Note: Many of these games were first published in 1910 and "refined" over 16 years.  Many of these games will need more "refinement" to make appropriate for use in this day and age.  Some games are just unsuitable no matter how much you modify it for your Scouts.  Regardless, they are entertaining to read and will spark ideas on ways to have fun with your Troop.

The Escaped Smoker

By Percy Hill.

A Convict has escaped from prison, and, being an inveterate smoker, the first thing he does is to buy a large supply of cigarettes and matches. 

On a dark night a message is brought to the Scouts that he has been seen in a wood close by, still smoking. The troop at once turn out, and, inclosing the wood, silently try to find their man by using their eyes, ears, and noses, as well as they can. The man, who is playing the part of the convict, is obliged to keep his cigarette in full view all the time, and strike a match at least once every three minutes. Unless the Scouts are very sharp, the chances are that he will slip through, and they will, after a few minutes, see the match flickering away behind them. 

The " convict "' must not, of course, be a Scout, for, if he were, he would not smoke or give himself away like that. 

An hour or two spent in practicing some "extended order" drill will make the troop far more efficient in work like this, for boys invariably tend to crowd together on a dark night instead of keeping an equal distance apart. A good variation of the game, if no smoker is at hand, is to supply the convict with a box of matches and a whistle, and make him strike a match and blow his whistle alternately every minute or two minutes, so that two different tracking senses are needed at the same time---seeing and hearing.

The Path-Finder

To be played at night. 

A town or camp is chosen and defended by all the Scouts present, except one patrol. The outposts must be carefully placed all round. The one patrol is to be led into the town by a guide chosen from the defenders--he is the traitor and goes round and carefully examines the defenses; then slips out of the town to meet the patrol at a certain spot. He tries to guide them into the center of the town, perhaps taking them two or three a time or all together in Indian file. 

If touched by one of the defenders they are captured.

Tracking by Smell

Tracking by smell at night is a very important part scouting. 

An enemy's patrol has encamped at a certain spot, and thinking all safe light a fire and prepare a meal. But the sentry reports suspicious signs and sounds, so they immediately damp the fire, but cannot stop the smoking.  This should be carried out on a calm but dark night in fairly open spot--the smoke can be caused by smoldering brown paper or damp gunpowder in a tin. The others have to reach the spot by smell, while the encamped party lie absolutely still.

Will-O’-the -Wisp

This game should take place across country at night. 

Two Scouts set off in a given direction with a lighted bull's-eye lantern. After two minutes have passed the patrol or troop starts in pursuit. 

The lantern bearer must show his light at least every mute, concealing it for the rest of the time. The two Scouts take turns in carrying the light, and so may relieve each other in difficulties, but either may be captured. The Scout without the light can often mingle with the pursuers without being recognized and relieve his friend when he is being hard pressed. They should arrange certain calls or signals between themselves.

Showing the Light

This night-scouting game not only affords recreation but is a good test for hearing and eyesight, and furnishes a splendid practice in judging distances. 

A Scout makes his way across fields, in the dark, and on hearing his leader's whistle, shows a light from a lantern for five seconds. He remains there, but hides the light, and the rest of the Scouts estimate how far away and whereabouts he is. 

Then they set out to where they think the light was shown and each one tries to get there before the others. The lantern-bearer hands over the lantern to the Scout who first reaches him, and then it is that boy's turn to go away and show the light. 

The Scoutmaster should note the various estimates propounded by the Scouts, and though he may be unable to discover the exact distance he should know which Scout gave the nearest figure.

Night Outposts

Two or more Scouts (according to number taking part go out in pairs with ordinary bicycle or similar lamps, an take up positions not nearer than 1/4 mile (or other agreed distance) from starting-point. They are called outposts and must not move their ground, but may show or conceal their light as they think best. 

One Scout goes out, say, ten minutes later carrying hurricane lamp to discover the outposts. He is called the runner, and must not hide his light. 

One or two minutes later the remainder start out chase and capture both the runner and outposts. They are called Scouts. 

Outposts and runners must not call to one another.  

Outposts show their light when they think the runner is near, but must be careful not to betray their position to the Scouts. 

As soon as the runner finds an outpost these extinguish their light and make for the starting-point. 

When the runner has discovered all outposts he does the same. No Scout may remain nearer the starting-point than agreed distance-- 100 yards or so, according to circumstances.