Hike Games

Hikes are generally fun all by themselves, but sometimes you might want to mix it up a bit and try something different.

Many of these games can be done on a trail or at the local park.

Ideas for Patrol and Troop Hikes (from 1967 Scout Handbook):

Adventure Hike

Exploration Hike

Collecting Hike

Tracking Hike

Mystery Hike

Knot Hike

Historical Hike

Father-and-Son Hike

Compass Hike

"North Pole" Hike

Conservation Hike

Treasure Hike

Signal Hike

Flapjack Hike

10-Mile Hike

20-Mile Hike

Trail Race

It's a race.  Teams are given a map, start point, end point and maybe something to deliver.  Item to deliver could be a backpack, a tire, an injured person, or something creative. 

Trail of Challenge

Patrols start at a central location and are given maps.  Maps may include the entire route, or just the first leg of the trek.  A the end of each leg of the trek is a challenge.  Scouts must complete the challenge before starting on the next leg of the trek.  The challenge usually ends back at the start point.

Challenges may include:

Ninja Challenge

Teams of ninjas must get to objective undetected.  Within the wood are lookouts with cameras.  Ninjas need to get to the end point undetected.  Points are lost for each photo taken of them and for every minute after post the end time if they arrive late.  Ties a settled on which team arrived earlier. 

Search and Rescue

Teams are assigned areas on a map to search.  There is a lost person or persons that need to be found.  They may need to be carried back using carries or on a litter.  First team to return with all lost persons wins. 

Scavenger Trek

Patrols are given a map, a route or a start and end point, and a list of items to find on the trail.  Scouts will ether need to collect the item or take a picture of it.  First patrol to reach the destination with all items wins.  There needs to be a drop dead time - a time when all patrols need to head to the end point.

From 1967 Scout Handbook