Order of the Arrow

Spring 2023 Elangomats


Training is a key part of the Order of the Arrow program. Through the wide variety of available trainings, new members can learn how to take advantage of the opportunities available to them, youth leaders can learn how to run a successful lodge or chapter, advisers can learn how to support and guide the youth, and any member can learn more about the rich history and broad scope of the Order of the Arrow. Training is how we communicate tried-and-true methods of running a quality program and prepare the next generation to take on the leadership of our multifaceted Order.

Training can be utilized at every level of the OA, from chapter meetings to national conferences. Most training at the lodge and chapter level comes through the Lodge Leadership Development program. Sections are encouraged to offer some of the more specialized trainings found in the Conclave Training Initiative sessions. Up-and-coming youth leaders and adult advisors are encouraged to attend the National Leadership Seminar, and adult advisers may also attend its counterpart, the Developing Youth Leadership Conference. All members attending the National Order of the Arrow Conference are encouraged to take advantage of the wide variety of courses offered there as well.

National Leadership Seminar (NLS) and Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC)

NLS and DYLC are generally delivered on the same weekend and is offered by our Region every 2 years.   These are excellent leadership seminars for both youth and adults. 

National Leadership Seminar (NLS)

The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference that focuses on the skills and attributes of leadership. The program enhances the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow’s key youth and adult members as they seek to improve their service to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater community. The weekend format complements the National Youth Leadership Training (for youth) and Wood Badge (for adults). Course participants make a promise to themselves to apply the skills learned on projects in their lodge, council, and community. NLS prepares Arrowmen to become better leaders both within and outside the Scouting program. 


Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC)

The Developing Youth Leadership Conference (DYLC) will strengthen an adviser’s capacity to develop youth leadership within the lodge and chapter. Conference topics will include learning how to promote resilience, foster a growth mindset, provide constructive feedback, and create a life-long mentoring relationship. Conference participants will gain insights necessary to successfully mentor youth applying the leadership skills they gained during the National Leadership Seminar. 

DYLC will progress advisers beyond lodge mechanics and operations to establishing a culture within the lodge and chapter that grows youth who are capable of building teams, establishing goals, and guiding the lodge’s work to achieve within the Performance Measurement Program. Prior participation in the National Leadership Seminar is encouraged, but is not required. 

The Developing Youth Leadership program is offered several times a year in various locations throughout each region. Scheduled dates can be found on the National OA Program Calendar, and reach out to your lodge chief or adviser for more registration information, or visit registration.oa-bsa.org.


Lodge members with National Vice Chief at 2024 NOAC


The elected officers of the lodge are the: 

Some lodges find it desirable to elect more than one vice chief. Arrowmen desiring to serve as a lodge (or chapter) officer or committee chairman must meet the following eligibility requirements: