Survival Gear

Survival gear is a complex topic.  There are basic concepts, but choice of gear is very environment and user dependent.

NOTE: Many leaders in the BSA teach survival skills to scouts.  Skills are generally taught to a very basic level and in well supervised and safe environments.  Much of the gear listed here will likely exceed the level of training most Scouts will encounter. 

Priorities of Survival

Understanding the Priorities of Survival will help you determine what gear you might need.


Sometimes on this list are:

Survival Gear Components

Survival Gear Components should cover ideally all of the Priorities of Survival.  Kits should also be:

There is a LOT of room for interpretation of these factors

Examples of Kits

Here are examples of survival kits.  These are listed NOT as an endorsement, but to provide you with an idea of what others feels should be included in a Survival Kit:

Survival Gear Component SubGroups

Survival Shows

Understand that survival shows are just that - shows.  Equipment lists and selection are based on the show's parameters, which generally include maximizing interesting content for the show as well as NOT being rescued.  Some survival shows are also very Staged with a support team and tons of gear not seen within view of the camera crew.  Some shows have intentionally demonstrated techniques and gear that make experienced survival instructors cringe, possibly get spark interest in their show.  Keeping all of this in mind, a lot can be learned from these shows, with you can separate Hollywood from real life.


Multi Use Tools

When combined with wilderness survival knowledge and skills, multi-use tools allows for the potential long term survival in the absence of other items.  This is why a knife is the number one item on the Scouts 10 essentials.

Tools used by Contestants on TV show Alone

Here is a list of know/suspected tools used by some of the contestants on the series Alone.  Keep in mind their circumstances, which include survival in a long term location with limited need for hauling gear around.  They also have a list of gear to choose from and only get 10 items beyond clothing and supplied gear (backpack and emergency supplies).


This is an entire topic on its own.  This will be covered in a different section.

Number one priority

Secondary priority

First-Aid - Physiological Health

We are all wired differently.  Some things can help us get through the toughest of circumstances.

First-Aid - Hygiene

Hygiene if important for health and moral.


Shelter needs depends on what type of environment you are in.

Shelter Gear:

Shelter - Bedding

It is hard to replicate a well made blanket, quilt or sleeping bag in the wilderness

Shelter - Clothing

Clothing isn't something that is easy to replace in the wilderness.  This is covered in a different section.


Fire is one of the most important priorities of survival and is a very difficult one to master, particularly in the Pacific Northwest where fuel is often soaking wet.   Fire Starting gear is discussed on our Fire Starters Page.

There are SO many fire starting options.  These are favorites:

Water - Storage

 Water is vital to life.  We can often find water easily in the Pacific Northwest, but will need a way to store, transports and treat it for safe consumption.

Water - Purification

Water purification is vital in most parts of the world.  In the Pacific Northwest, you may be able to get away with drinking water straight out of a stream.  That said, their is a risk of contracting Giardia.  Other diseases are also possible if something has contaminated your water source upstream.


Getting the attention of rescuers if vital in a survival situation.

Signaling - Communication

 It is hard to beat a good call into civilization.

Signalling - Tracking

GPS devices can be used to track you in the woods.  This is great if you lose communication, miss a check in and need to be found.

Navigation - Map & Compass

 Knowing how to use a map and compass can help you stay clear of trouble.  It can also help you determine how to get help in the event of an emergency.


Navigation - GPS

A GPS can be loaded with various maps and shows where you are at per satellite positioning.  These work so well, we have generation of people without map and compass skills.


Extra food is great to have to keep spirits and energy up.  There are so many choices and options.

Short term calories are what matter most.  Long term, vitamins and minerals will be an issue as may be protein and fats.

Food - Cooking

Cooking on a fire can be great, but it can be challenging and usually results in a loss of a lot of fat that drips into the fire.  It is also a lot easier to thoroughly cook food in a pot.  Boiling water without a pot isn't a lot of fun.

Food - Fishing

Fish is an excellent source of calories, protein and fat.  Being able to harvest fish can be a real game changer for long term survival.

Food - Hunting and Trapping

 Hunting and trapping is a skill that takes time to learn.

NOTE - hunting and trapping MUST be done in accordance with the law.  Break these laws as you wish to stay alive in a survival situation, but practicing these skills outside the bounds of the law will get you in BIG trouble.